Florian Luca’s lecture notes and project offers are here

Henri Cohen’s lecture notes are here

In the school, Pari/GP


and SageMath


will be used. Hence, we suggest to the participants to have a look at

http://doc.sagemath.org/html/tr/a_tour_of_sage/index.html (in Turkish)

http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/a_tour_of_sage/index.html (in English)

before the school. Other good sources are:

Python 2.7 (tutorial to Python; https://docs.python.or g/2/tutorial/index.html).

There is also a beautiful introduction to number theory programming in Python available for free:

http://illustratedtheoryofnumb ers.com/#programming

This is a part of the materials for the recent book by Weissman.