“To share a room with another participant, please contact with Ilker Inam”

Some useful hotel information:

Here is the list of some hotels nearby the campus (< 20 km)

At 8h00, in the first day of the school, to make the life easier, in each hotel listed below, we will have one of our students to help you reaching to the campus by public transport. If you want to share a room with another participant then please contact with us. You can also book in another hotel in the centre of İzmir, in this case, you can follow the steps in Transportation part of our webpage to reach the campus.

We recommend

** Özbek Çiftlik Evi


35 Euro per night per person including breakfast and shuttle to Iztech (return)

+90.232. 756 7587 or  +90.545 440 9020

Özbek/Urla, Izmir, Turkey

for foreigner participants since it has private shuttle to the campus. You can directly contact with the hotel for the reservation. Please indicate that you are a participant of the school.

Following hotels are located in Çeşmealtı and there is direct public transportation to the campus. You can use booking.com for the reservation. Please note that it is not possible to book any hotel in Turkey, when you are in Turkey due to a conflict. Alternatively you can call the hotel directly.

** Iyonya Hotel


Contact: +90.232.7552056

Single and double room are for 38 Euro per night including breakfast.

** Barba Hotel


Contact: +90.532. 7207889

Double room is 40 Euro per night including breakfast.

Following hostel is located in İskele and everything is valid in the previous item except booking.com reservation. You can directly make your reservation online on the webpage.

** Pandora Pansiyon


It costs 49 Euro for a double room and 62 Euro for a triple room, it is an apartment.

Following hotel is in the centre of Urla. There is also direct connection to campus with public transportation. Foreigner participants should contact with us for booking a room here.

** Han Hotel


Contact: +90.232.7542077

Single 15 Euro

Double 30 Euro

Triple 38 Euro

Following hotel is located in Zeytinalanı and there is public transport too. You can use booking.com or the webpage for the reservation.

** Mavi Yaka Hotel


Double room is for 43 Euro and triple room is for 45 Euro per night.